
Myhre syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant genetic condition characterized by short stature, distinctive facial dysmorphisms, generalized muscle hypertrophy, skeletal abnormalities, decreased joint motility, developmental delay, deafness and cardiac defects. Myhre syndrome and the allelic laryngeal stenosis, arthropathy, prognathism and short stature syndrome are caused by a missense mutation of SMAD4, resulting in altered expression of transforming growth factor β and bone morphogenic protein, affecting cell growth and differentiation. Here, we report on the case of a 7-year-old girl showing symptoms of Myhre syndrome and with a known SMAD4 mutation presenting with the novel symptom of severe constipation.

Severe constipation in a patient with Myhre syndrome: a case report

John K. Bassetta , Sofia Douzgoub and Bronwyn Kerr
April 2016


MassGeneral Hospital Myhre Syndrome Clinic patient resources


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