Stephanie Karatsinides

Board of Directors & Secretary

Stephanie Karatsinides is an attorney with over ten years of experience practicing disability law. Through her work, she has gained extensive knowledge about different physical and mental impairments, testing, and treatments. Her professional experience has also given her a broad understanding of how symptoms affect an individual’s daily activities and how important the support of family members, friends, and community resources is to improve an individual’s quality of life.

In early 2020, Stephanie’s niece Miriam, who was 17 months old, was diagnosed with Myhre syndrome. Stephanie supported Miriam's family while they pursued this diagnosis and explored appropriate therapies for Miriam. Stephanie loves getting video calls from Miriam, a busy and happy girl who loves flowers and outings to the park or library. 

Stephanie joined the MSF Board of Directors in 2022 to offer legal expertise and support the Myhre community. She lives in Michigan with her husband and three children, ages one to six. When she’s not working or shuttling her kids to their activities, she loves going on walks with her children, cooking, and talking on the phone with her sisters.