COVID Positive? NOOOOOO!!!!

A little over a week ago, I got the dreaded news. My husband Dwight was COVID positive. Neither of us knew where nor now he picked it up, but here it was. I started sanitizing like a mad woman with sprays and wipes. I gave him strict instructions: throw your kleenexes away in this trash can immediately; you use this hand towel only; cover your cough for heaven's sake!; don't breath near me. It did not work. Tuesday, I came down with the dreaded COVID.

I have been told this strain is mild compared to the other ones. I, also, started antivirals on day 3 which has helped tremendously. But if this is mild, I don't want to feel the full brunt of this monster. I don't know if I could handle it.

Looking at the bright side of this... if there is one. I am forced to STOP. I can't go anywhere, be around anyone, or basically do anything for at least 7 days.

My body is weak so that means anything other than sitting up for a few hours or working on my diamond art is out of the question. The house can stay messy. I am choosing to observe strict quarantine rules as I should. So no doctor appointments. I am resting as needed so naps are a must.

So I leave you this week in the jaws of the monster that I have dreaded for so long. I am doing fine on day 5. My lungs are struggling but holding their own. My blood sugars are fantastic. Overall, I think I am ok. Stay healthy everyone!